
'Co-housing' plan in Pavia for university students, over-65s

Experimental project funded by Lombardy region

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 23 - The University of Pavia has launched a two-year experimental program funded by the Lombardy region with 400,000 euros enabling university students to cohabit with seniors over 65 with a small contribution so the elderly can have company and students can avoid high rental costs.
    The project, called "Co-housing and caring between generations" will enable Pavia residents over the age of 65 to rent a room to a student for 300 euros a month.
    The students will in turn have to help their tenant use a computer, help them book medical appointments and socialize, among other things, said Elena Lucchini, Lombardy's regional councillor for family, social solidarity, disability and equal opportunities.
    "It will be a sort of 'pact' between people over 65 and students which will allow the first to receive support for some of their material needs and a precious relationship and the second to pay lower rent in the city they have chosen to study". (ANSA).

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