
State employees' contract signed, CGIL and UIL say no

Average increase of 165 euros, also a 4-day week

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 6 - A new contract for State employees was signed at the public-sector negotiating agency ARAN Wednesday but two of Italy's big three trade union federations, CGIL and UIL, said no to the deal, with only CISL agreeing.
    The renewal of the 2022-24 contract of the Central Functions sector, which concerns approximately 195 thousand employees of ministries, tax agencies, non-economic public bodies including pensions and social security agency INPS and workplace accident insurance agency INAIL, was signed at ARAN.
    The agreement was signed by Cisl-Fp and the autonomous unions Confsal Unsa, Flp and Confintesa Fp, but not by Fp-Cgil and Uil-Pa.
    The signatory unions reportedly reached a majority of 54.6%.
    The contract provides for an average salary increase of 165 euros per month, for thirteen months.
    Among the main innovations is the possibility of a shorter work week, over four days: on an experimental and voluntary basis, maintaining the 36 hours per week.
    photo: CGIL leader Maurizio Landini (ANSA).

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