(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 26 - The shareholding structure of Italy's
second biggest bank UniCredit shows it is a foreign institute,
Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini said
Tuesday saying "I have nothing against anyone" but warning that
UniCredit's bid for third-biggest bank Banco BPM should not
jeopardise the creation of Italy's third banking hub via a
merger between the latter and Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS).
The largest shareholder in UniCredit, with 7%, is the American
fund BlackRock.
Some three-quarters of the capital is held by institutional
investors (other banks, insurance companies, and so on), of
which 69% are foreign investors.
Then there is a small share of Italian institutional investors
"This is what the shareholder composition says," said Salvini
when asked why he deems UniCredit a foreign bank.
"However," he said, "I have nothing against anyone, as long as
the third banking hub that is being created is not called into
question." (ANSA).
UniCredit shareholdings show it is foreign says Salvini
Don't jeopardise creation of third banking hub - deputy PM