
Government to reach 2027 term says Salvini

'I believe in this cabinet'

Government to reach 2027 term says Salvini

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 1 - Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini on Sunday said the government will complete its term in 2027 even if members can vote in different ways "on this or that amendment".
    Addressing via video link the national assembly of the centrist cabinet ally Noi Moderati party, Salvini said "this is a government in which I believe, which will reach 2027 despite a vote against on this or that amendment".
    Salvini's remarks came after the ruling centre-right coalition has been shaken by tensions between the right-wing League party he leads and the centre-right post Berlusconi Forza (FI) party, including over a Rai state broadcaster license fee cut and the healthcare system in Calabria this past week. (ANSA).

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