(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 31 - Premier Giorgia Meloni said Tuesday
she would tap former civil protection chief Fabrizio Curcio as
extraordinary commissioner for the reconstruction of areas hit
by floods in Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Marche, replacing army
general Francesco Paolo Figliuolo who has stepped down, her
office at Palazzo Chigi said.
It said she had discussed the nomination with the regions
concerned, President Sergio Mattarella, and Civil Protection
Minister Nello Musumeci.
Curcio, 58, has served three terms as national civil protection
chief, the last ending this past July when he became a top
economy ministry official. (ANSA).
Meloni to tap Curcio as flood czar
Decision after talks with regions, Musumeci and Mattarella