(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 31 - A 39-year-old Italian worker was
crushed to death by a forklift near Caserta Tuesday in the
latest in a long spate of fatal workplace accidents in Italy.
The accident took place at Gricignano d'Aversa, just outside the
city north of Naples.
The worker, resident in Capodrise, lost his life in the company
Frigocaserta Srl, where he was an employee.
The man was crushed by the forklift while carrying out goods
handling services, and died instantly.
Premier Giorgia Meloni recently announced the recruitment of
1,600 new labour inspectors, amid the
alarm about the spate of workplace deaths.
National labour accidents and occupational illness agency INAIL
said recently that 860 fatal work-related accidents were
reported to it in the first 10 months of 2024, a rise of 2.5% on
the equivalent period in 2023.
Concern over workplace safety was heightened by the June death
of Satnam Singh, an off-the-books 31-year-old Indian farm
labourer who bled out after being dumped outside his hut with an
severed by wrapping machinery placed beside him on a fruit
picking box at Latina south of Rome.
Five men died after inhaling toxic gas in a sewer network near
Palermo in May, and seven died in a hydro power plant blast near
Bologna in April.
The latest multiple tragedy came earlier this month when five
men were killed by a blast at an Eni fuels depot near Florence.
Meanwhile there has been a steady stream of more than daily
individual deaths. (ANSA).
Worker crushed to death by forklift near Caserta
Spate of fatal workplace accidents continues