
No contract or deals with SpaceX says PM's office

Reports of such agreements are 'ridiculous' says Chigi

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 6 - No contract or deals between Italy and Elon Musk's satellite programme SpaceX were discussed in Premier Giorgia Meloni's talks with US President -elect Donald Trump in Florida Sunday, the PM's office at Palazzo Chigi in Rome said Monday, describing such reports as "ridiculous".
    "The Presidency of the Council denies that contracts have been signed or agreements have been concluded between the Italian Government and the SpaceX company for the use of the Starlink satellite communications system," Chigi said in a note.
    "The discussions with SpaceX are part of the normal investigations that the State apparatus has with companies, in this case with those that deal with protected connections for the needs of communicating encrypted data.
    "The Presidency of the Council idenies even more categorically, considering it simply ridiculous, the news that the SpaceX topic was discussed during the meeting with the President-elect of the United States, Donald Trump." (ANSA).

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