
Abedini is a free man says lawyer

'Nordio's decision happily surprised us'

Abedini is a free man says lawyer

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 12 - The attorney representing Iranian engineer Mohammad Abedini Najafabad on Sunday said his client is now a free man after the justice ministry announced that Justice Minister Carlo Nordio had filed a request to Milan's appeals court to revoke his arrest.
    "The decision taken by Justice Minister Carlo Nordio happily surpised us", said the attorney, whose client was arrested on December 16 at Milan's Malpensa airport under a US arrest warrant.
    "My client is now a free person and he will be able to smile and hope once again.
    "He always repeated to me that he believed and had confidence in justice", he said.
    The 38-year-old engineer, who was accused of exporting drone parts allegedly used to kill three US servicemen in Jordan a year ago, has been held at Milan's Opera jail awaiting a house arrest hearing on January 15.
    In the note announcing Nordio's request, the justice ministry said Abedini's alleged crimes were either not punishable under Italian law or lacked evidence (ANSA).

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