
1 mn extra workers than pre-Covid at end of 2024 says Inapp

Increase most significant among over 50s, inactivity rising

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 14 - Over one million additional people were reported to be in employment at the end of 2024 than before the COVID-19 health emergency, public-policy research agency Inapp said on Tuesday in its annual survey.
    In particular, the agency recorded an additional 1,043 million workers with respect to December 2019 and a nearly similar decrease in the number of unemployed workers (-1,009 million) over the same period.
    Inapp highlighted in the study the record number of people in employment in 2024, or 24.1 million, and the employment rate (62.5%).
    The new jobs were equally distributed between men (+532,000) and women (+511,000) and the increase was more significant in southern Italy.
    However, the increase of those in employment mainly affected workers over 50, who over the past two years grew to make up 40% of the workforce, surpassing the number of workers between the ages of 35 and 49.
    Meanwhile, the overall percentage of inactive people - 33% - remained high, 10 percentage points higher than the EU average for young people under 35, and reached a peak of 58.2% for women in the South. (ANSA).

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