(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 15 - Child abuse is a deplorable,
atrocious crime, Pope Francis said at a general hearing
"In our societies, unfortunately, there are many ways in which
children suffer abuse and mistreatment.
"The abuse against minors, regardless of its nature, is a
despicable, an atrocious act.
"It's not simply a plague of society, it's a crime", noted the
"It is a very grave violation of God's commandments", stressed
the pontiff.
"No minors should endure abuse.
"It is necessary, therefore, to reawaken consciences, be close
and show concrete solidarity to abused children and teens, and
at the same time build confidence and synergies with those who
work to offer them opportunities and a safe place to grow up in
a serene way". (ANSA).
Child abuse is an atrocious crime says pope
'Plague of society'