
No plots behind ICC handling of Almasri case - ex judge

Procedure takes several days says Cuno Tarfusser

No plots behind ICC handling of Almasri case - ex judge

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 29 - A former judge with the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Wednesday dismissed talk of there being anything untoward in its handling of the warrant for Libyan judicial police commander Najeem Osema Almasri Habish.
    Premier Giorgia Meloni has said she wants clarification about why the warrant was not issued until Almasri, who is wanted for war crimes, was in Italy after him being in other European countries in the preceding days.
    Almasri was arrested in Italy earlier this month but released days later on a technicality.
    "There was no short circuit" former ICC judge Cuno Tarfusser told ANSA, stressing that the court had been "absolutely transparent".
    "It's a step that takes days because the arrest warrant must be well written, well reasoned, the documents must be studied".
    He said that in the meantime the suspect had travelled around Europe and the court didn't know exactly where he was.
    "The ICC informed six countries, not just Italy," Tarfusser said.
    "There is nothing abnormal in all this. There's no conspiracy, no conspiracy about Italy because Meloni is in charge".
    (see related). (ANSA).

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