
Temps to hit 19 C in Naples, hotter than Cairo, Riyadh

Egypt and Saudi will see 17 degrees midday Sunday

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 6 - Temperatures will reach 18-19 degrees Celsius between two and three pm in Naples Sunday, hotter than Cairo or Riyadh where the mercury will stop at 17 degrees, the ANBI Observatory said in its latest climate warning Thursday.
    Central and southern Italy are currently enjoying balmy, almost Spring-like conditions in the middle of the day.
    The warning was launched by the ANBI National Irrigation Office Observatory on Water Resources based on the meteorological maps of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).
    Copernicus said Thursday that January 2025 was the hottest month on record. (ANSA).

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