(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 9 - Cesare Parodi, newly elected head of
Italian magistrates union ANM, said Sunday they would meet
Premier Giorgia Meloni over a judicial reform they are opposing
without giving any ground to the government.
Paroi, representative of a rightwing faction in Italy's
politicised judiciary, said the as yet unscheduled meeting with
the rightwing premier would be chance for "explaining what our
arguments are yet again with clarity, firmness, lucidity and
without giving any ground.
Nordio says the reform, which requires Constitutional changes
and will therefore require a popular referendum after it is
approved by parliament, will boost the impartiality of
He denied the ANM's claim it is aimed at putting prosecutors
under government control. (ANSA).
Parodi says ANM will meet Meloni 'without giving ground'
Chance to explain our arguments with lucidity, firmness-new pres