(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 9 - A 46-year-old Indian farm worker has
lost a leg and may risk other limbs in hospital at Latina south
of Rome after suspected poisoning due prolonged contact with
chemical products, probably without adequate safety measures,
trade union sources said Sunday.
"He developed serious necrosis of the limbs, and in recent days
it was necessary to amputate one leg; now he risks losing the
other limbs as well," said the CGIL union.
Also at Latina, off-the-books 31-year-old farm labourer Satnam
Suingh bled out last June after being dumped outside his hut
with an arm severed by wrapping machinery placed beside him on a
fruit picking box at
Latina south of Rome last year.
His employers were arrested for gangmastering and culpable
manslaughter last month.
"Nothing has changed since Satnam," said the local branch of the
centre-left opposition Democratic Party (PD), "and work safety
conditions are still dire for these badly exploited people".
Italy is enduring a long spate of fatal workplace accidents.
CGIL said "the Lazio regional government must step in to improve
the conditions of migrant farm labourers and other workers".
Workplace poisoning, Indian farm worker leg amputated
Nothing has changed since Satnam Singh says PD