(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 11 - Deputy Premier and Transport Minister
Matteo Salvini said on Tuesday that Hamas needs to be eradicated
before anything else.
Speaking during a visit to Jerusalem, the League party leader
also noted that any hope for peace in the Middle East and in
Ukraine existed thanks to the new administration of US President
Donald Trump.
Salvini said he discussed the latest development and future
prospects during a meeting with Israeli Premier Benyamin
"I find it singular that some media outlets put Trump and Hamas
on the same level, even saying that Trump's words could slow
down peace, according to claims made by Hamas", the minister
"I am horrified that the statements of a terror organization,
the eradication of which is the precondition for any other
consideration, are put on the same level with the words" of the
president of the United States, said Salvini.
"If there is any hope for peace here" in the Middle East "and at
the Russian-Ukrainian border, it is thanks to the new Trump
"We don't say this as vassals but as interested observers and
co-protagonists of what is going on", Salvini added. (ANSA).
Hamas must be eradicated says Salvini
'Hope for peace thanks to Trump, we aren't vassals'