(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 19 - US President Donald Trump has
unmasked Western warmongering propaganda on Ukraine, populist
5-Star Movement (M5S) leader and two-time ex premier Giuseppe
Conte said Wednesday.
"Trump harshly unmasks all the West's warmongering propaganda on
Ukraine and tells a truth that we of the 5 Star Movement have
been saying for three years, together with all the military
experts, that is, that beating Russia militarily was
unrealistic," said Conte, who has been calling for an end to
military shipments to Kyiv for years.
"It is a truth that weighs like a millstone on Prime Minister
Meloni, who could have carved out a leading role for Italy in
the negotiations and instead led us to this failure in order to
please the international chancelleries.
"In Prime Minister Meloni's place, faced with this shame, this
failure, I would resign". (ANSA).
Trump unmasks Western warmongering propaganda says Conte
Like us for 3 yrs, he says Moscow can't be defeated militarily