(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 25 - Leftwing populist 5-Star Movement
(M5S) leader and two-time ex premier Giuseppe Conte told Tourism
Minister Daniela Santanchè in a no-confidence debate after she
was indicted for alleged false accounting that the M5S did not
hate wealth, as she had claimed, but dishonesty.
"Italy cannot afford to have ministers and undersecretaries
under accusation, even now of circulating counterfeit bags," he
"Minister Santanchè said that we hate wealth and you have waged
war on the poor. We hate, you know, dishonesty.
"And we reject the false solidarity that comes to us from you
because we know how to distinguish when a mayor is also
responsible for a tragic event in his role, but through fault,
not through malice, not through dishonesty". (ANSA).
We don't hate wealth but dishonesty Conte tells Santanchè
Italy can't afford to have ministers under accusation