(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 17 - Premier Giorgia Meloni hailed the
values Italy is founded on Monday in her message for National
Unity Day.
"Today we celebrate the nation's identity, the values that unite
us and the path that has forged Italy," Meloni said on social
media after taking part at a ceremony at Rome's Altare della
Patria (Altar of the Fatherland) monument.
She added that her government has presented a decree on how the
national anthem can be performed at institutional and public
"This is a duty-bound act of respect towards one of the most
representative symbols of the nation and of the history of
Italy," she said.
"Long live Italy, our history, our flag!".
(see related). (ANSA).
Meloni hails Italy's values on National Unity Day
Govt decree regulating how national anthem can be performed -PM