
Not even a euro from the cohesion funds for defence - PM

A battle we have won says Meloni

Not even a euro from the cohesion funds for defence - PM

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 18 - Not even one euro should be taken out of the EU's cohesion funds to fund the new ReArm Europe defence plan, Premier Giorgia Meloni rold the Senate Tuesday.
    "I take this opportunity to announce that Italy does not intend to divert a single euro from the Cohesion Funds for defense and we are all in agreement on this", Meloni said in her communications to the Senate, in view of the upcoming European Council, speaking about the 800 billion euro ReArm Europe approved last week.
    Meloni recalled that the 800 billion of the plan "are neither resources taken from other spending items nor additional European resources" and that "Italy opposed that a share of the Cohesion Funds be automatically moved to defense and it is a battle we have won". (ANSA).

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