
Academy opens in Marche to teach how to farm crickets

Objective to open 100 farms says Cianni (Nutrinsect)

Academy opens in Marche to teach how to farm crickets

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 19 - An academy has opened in the Marche region to teach cricket farming, José Francesco Cianni, the CEO of the Montecassiano-based Nutrinsect told ANSA on Wednesday.
    The company near Macerata farms crickets for the production of cricket flour for pet food.
    "The objective is to transfer our know-how to teach how to farm crickets to those who want to open this type of business", said Cianni, explaining that the objective is "the creation of 100 farms across Italy".
    The CEO explained that the new Nutrinsect Academy opened a few weeks ago to "offer a professional program aimed at aspiring cricket farmers or those who have already opened an activity but want to improve".
    The businessman said the initiative is aimed at promoting a "good, healthy, fully Italian-made product" after the European Food Safety Authority "evaluated the safety of cricket powder (Acheta domesticus) as a new food" that doesn't pose a risk to human health. (ANSA).

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