
Bolle performs at Palazzo Barberini's Caravaggio show

'First steps' of upcoming ballet with masterworks as background

Bolle performs at Palazzo Barberini's Caravaggio show

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 19 - Italian ballet star Roberto Bolle, who will turn 50 in a week, has been filmed as he dances at night at a Caravaggio exhibit in Palazzo Barberini, Rome - the first steps of two long-awaited ballets he is set to present starting next month.
    The images were shot at night in the empty museum with as background some of the 24 masterworks by Caravaggio showcased until July 6 as part of the exhibit 'Caravaggio 2025' at Palazzo Barberini's Gallerie Nazionali.
    The first project is the second edition of the television show "Viva la Danza" to be broadcast on April 29 on Rai1.
    The second is the opera by Mauro Bigonzetti "Caravaggio" which Bolle will perform across Italy, as part of a project sponsored by the culture ministry and Superintendent Carlo Fuortes set to debut on May 9 at Florence's Teatro del Maggio Fiorentino and then at Teatro degli Arcimboldi on May 15-21.
    Bolle said his projects were aimed at promoting ballet everywhere, explaining that the performance at the Barberini had "fused the art in movement par excellence with Caravaggio's undying" art,.
    The dancer said that he will also dance at Venice's La Fenice theatre, among other iconic Italian locations. (ANSA).

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