
Salvini says doesn't agree with Tajani on European army

'Would an army led by France, Germany go to war today?'

Salvini says doesn't agree with Tajani on European army

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 20 - Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini on Thursday said he didn't agree with Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, who is also deputy premier, when he said he was in favour of a European army.
    "I don't agree with Tajani on the European army.
    "What would a European army led by France and Germany do today: would it go to war?", said Salvini.
    "I agree Europe must be helped defend itself but what guarantee would we have today", Salvini added on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Ponte dell'Industria in Rome.
    On Thursday, Tajani said the centre-right Forza Italia (FI) party he eads is "in favour of a common EU army", when asked about the League's position against such a possibility on the sidelines of a European People's Party (EPP) summit.
    Earlier this month, Salvini said there will never be an EU army led by a "mad" French President Emmanuel Macron, amid French-led moves to set up a European army and possibly send peacekeepers to police a future Ukraine peace deal.
    Italy's ambassador to Paris, Emanuela D'Alessandro, was reportedly received at the French foreign ministry last Thursday after Salvini's comments on Macron, according to French media reports. (ANSA).

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