
Asterisks and schwas banned from school documents

Mass distraction says PD, blow agst political correctness - FdI

Asterisks and schwas banned from school documents

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 21 - The use of asterisks and schwas to be more inclusive in gender terms was banned from school documents Friday.
    The decision was taken by Education Minister Giuseppe Valditara after recent cases of school officials writing bambin* to indicate children of both genders, and similar use of the schwa symbol.
    For the opposition centre-left Democratic Party's (PD) school pointwoman, Irene Manzi, "the circular recommending schools to avoid using asterisks and schwa language is yet another weapon of mass distraction".
    Fabio Rampelli of Premier Giorgia Meloni's rightwing Brothers of Italy (FdI) defended the ministry's decision: "Italian is a heritage to be protected. Minister Valditara's decision stops the gradual process of bastardization of Italian, bent to the needs of political correctness and false inclusiveness".
    Rightwing League leader and Deputy Premier Matteo Salvini judged the circular to be "fair".
    The pro-life, family values conserative Catholic group Pro Vita also applauded the ministerial circular. (ANSA).

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