
Relatives of politicians 'earn more'

Study presented at conference on 'nepotism in Italian business'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Trento, June 2 - Having a politician relative adds an average of 500 euros a year to one's salary, according to a new study by two Italian economists.
    This is equal to a 3% increase in an average paycheck.
    In comparison, every additional year of education adds an average of 6% to one's salary, according to the study by Marco Manacorda, professor of economics at the Queen Mary University of London and research associate at the London School of Economics, and Stefano Gagliarducci, professor at Rome Tor Vergata University. A preview of the still-ongoing study involving 550,000 politicians and 800,000 private-sector employees was presented during the Economy Festival in the northern city of Trento at a conference titled Family Business: Political Nepotism and Careers in Italian Companies. The study also found that having a relative on the local city council seems to bring more "benefits" in northern Italy.
    "Salaries increase gradually from the time the relative enters politics, flatten out around the third year, and go back to their regular levels after the relative exits the political scene," Manacorda said.

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