
600 mn enough for 6 mths for Alitalia (4)

Tender for expressions of interest in 2 weeks

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, May 4 - A 600-million-euro bridge loan from the government will be "enough" to keep Alitalia flying over the next six months, "and then we'll see," commissioner Luigi Gubitosi said Thursday. A tender inviting expressions of interest by potential buyers will be published in about two weeks, he added.
    "Our aim is to valorise the company," said Gubitosi, adding "an industrial relaunch is needed" "In order to find a partner we must be appealing, an efficient company, which flies, which goes well".
    Gubitois said he was "sure we will find interested parties" He added that Alitalia's former management "could have done better". Gubitosi, a former director-general of State broadcaster RAI, is one of three commissioners appointed for the troubled airline, which is now in extraordinary administration. The other two are Enrico Laghi, an extraordinary commissioner for troubled steel group ILVA, and air transport expert Stefano Paleari. Gubitosi will run the company while Laghi will take care of relations with the government and legal issues.
    Paleari, named by the transport ministry, is an engineer, university lecturer and expert in air transport, as well as president of Human Technopole, the high-tech hub to be created at Milan's former EXPO site.

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