
Majority accord on minimum wage - Di Mai

Civilised law says deputy PM, labour minister

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, July 10 - The majority has reached an accord on introducing a new minimum wage, Deputy Premier and Industry and Labour Minister Luigi Di Maio said Wednesday.
    "I'm happy that a majority accord has been reached in the last few hours" with the League party, the leader of its government partner the 5-Star Movement (M5S) said.
    Di Maio said this was "a civilised law" and voiced the hope there would not be "divisions between the majority and the oppositions".
    It is "no longer acceptable," he said, that "there are citizens in Italy paid two or three euros an hour".
    But the League's labour undersecretary, Claudio Durigon, told ANSA there would only be a deal "if the minimum wage is zero cost for businesses". ISTAT President Gian Carlo Blangiardo told the Lower House Labour Committee last month that the impact of a nine-euro minimum wage would bring a cost burden to businesses of approximately 4.3 billion euros overall.
    "If not transferred to prices, it would bring a compression of about 1.2% of gross operating margin," Blangiardo said.
    He said the fallout on public spending would be 698 million euros.

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