
Italy GDP up 0.3% in 2019 - ISTAT

Above govt estimate of 0.1%

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 2 - Italy's GDP rose 0.3% in 2019, the lowest yearly rise since 2014 when GDP was flat, ISTAT said Monday.
    This was a "marked slowdown" compared to 2018 when growth was 0.8%, the stat agency said.
    But 0.3% growth is still above the 0.2% in ISTAT's preliminary estimate, and the 0.1% estimated by the government.
    The deficit-to-GDP ratio fell to 1.6% in 2019, lower than the 2.2% in the government's DEF financial blueprint, ISTAT said.
    The improvement, equal to 9.5 billion euros, brings the deficit/GDP to the lowest since 2007, when it was 1.3%.
    The debt/GDP ratio remained stable in 2019 at 134.8%, ISTAT said. The DEF had forecast a ratio of 135.7%. The tax burden rose to 42.4% last year from 41.9% in 2018, the stats agency said.
    This is the highest level since 42.9% in 2015.
    Italy showed a primary surplus of 1.7% last year, the best since 2013 when it was 2%.

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