
'Old' Alitalia set for last flight after 75 years

ITA to replace troubled former flag-carrier on Friday

'Old' Alitalia set for last flight after 75 years

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 14 - After close to 75 years in the skies, Alitalia will run its last flight on Thursday evening with a service from Cagliari to Rome.
    On Friday it will be replaced by a slimmed-down incarnation of the former national flag-carrier, ITA, which stands for Italia Trasporto Aereo.
    Although Alitalia has a glorious past, it has been making losses since 2008 and has been in extraordinary administration for many years.
    In order to give the green light to the Italian State's 1.35-billion-euro capital injection for the creation of ITA, the European Commission demanded that the new company be a substantial break with Alitalia, which has benefitted from a series of State bailouts.
    The Alitalia name may not be dead though.
    An initial auction to sell off the brand attracted no bids and ITA said the starting price was too high.
    But an agreement on the name may be on the horizon. (ANSA).

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