(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 23 - A hacker attack on the Italian
railway company Ferrovie dello Stato (FS), thought to have come
from Russia, has caused disruption to ticket sales, FS said
It said the attack, which began Wednesday morning, had featured
"phenomena linked to a cryptolocker virus infection".
Ticket sales have been deactivated at counters and in
self-service machines in stations while online sales are still
The services were still down Wednesday afternoon.
Sources said the attack was carried out via ransomware
introduced into the one of the accounts of the system
administrators or service managers.
Since the 'gateway' through which the virus got in has not yet
been identified, a range of ticketing services have been
Italian security sources said the type and modus operandi of the
attack made it highly likey it was the work of Russian hackers.
'Russian' rail hacker attack causes ticket disruption
Sales deactivated following cryptolocker infection