
Uber Eats to appeal ruling that 4,000 layoffs illegal

Decision hailed as victory for workers rights by unions

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 29 - Uber Eats said Friday that it would appeal against a Milan court's ruling that its decision to lay off 4,000 food-delivery riders in June as it closed down its operations in Italy was illegal.
    The court said Uber Eats Italy was guilty of anti-union conduct for failing to properly consult worker representatives about the move.
    It said the dismissals must be revoked and talks activated with unions.
    The CGIL trade union hailed the decision, saying it was the first application of a regulation on the relocation of multinationals that makes them responsible for restructuring processes.
    "We don't agree with yesterday's decision and we will appeal," Uber Eats said.
    "We met some unions with the aim of guaranteeing support for the rider partners who used our app to do deliveries in Italy and we will continue to work with them to find a fair agreement for everyone". (ANSA).

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