
Govt has delivered, now Stellantis must respond - Urso

Minister has talks with unions on Melfi plant

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 2 - The government has delivered the incentives Stellantis called for to boost the auto sector and now it is time for the carmaker to give a response in terms of commitments and investments in production in Italy, Business and Made in Italy Minister Adolfo Urso said on Tuesday.
    "The government has done its bit," Urso said at the end of a meeting with unions about the Stellantis plant at Melfi.
    "It has put in place a policy for the auto sector, on how to change European policy for the car sector.
    "It has created an incentive plan for innovation and created an incentive plan for the auto industry.
    "Now it is up to the company to adapt its industrial and financial plan with respect to what the Italian system expects, not the government, the Italian system.
    "I understand that (Stellantis CEO Carlos) Tavares safeguards shareholders' interests, but the government safeguards the Italian people's interests". (ANSA).

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