
Debt rises due to Superbonus weight says Giorgetti

Aim to extend tax wedge cut in 2025 too says econ min

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 9 - Italy's public debt is set to rise to almpost 138% of GDP this year due to the "weight" of the Superbonus green building renovation benefit scheme, said to be around 211 billion euros, Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti told a press conference after the government approved the DEF economic and financial blueprint Tuesday.
    "The rising public debt forecast by the DEF is heavily conditioned by the impact of the superbonus in the coming years but after 2026 it will start to fall," he said after the DEF set debt at 137.8 per cent this year, rising to 138.9 per cent in 2025 and 139.8 per cent in 2026.
    Giorgetti added that the government wanted to extend a cut in the labour tax wedge next year.
    "The decontribution that expires in 2024, we absolutely intend to replicate it in 2025, this is the real goal we set ourselves when we go to define the structural fiscal programme." he said.

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