
Italy to host 66 million tourists over the summer

Holidaymakers to enjoy 266 million overnight stays

Italy to host 66 million tourists over the summer

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 18 - Italy is set to host 65.8 million tourists this summer and they will enjoy a total of 266 million overnight stays, according to the Demoskopika institute's Summer 2024 Tourism Forecast, published by ANSA on Thursday.
    It said the number of tourists was set to rise by 2.1% with respect to last summer, with the number of overnight stays up 1.1%.
    The report said 35.5 million of tourists will be foreigners, up 5% on 2023, and they will account for 135.5 million of the overnight stays. (ANSA).

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