(ANSA) - ROME, APR 22 - Although Italy's budget deficit drop
from 8.6% of GDP in 2022 to 7.
Italy was followed by Hungary, with a deficit-to-GDP ratio of
6.7%, and Romania, at 6.6%.
The average deficit-to-GDP ratio for the eurozone to 3.6%, in
2023, down from 3.7%, while it rose for the EU as a whole from
3.4% to 3.5%
Eurostat said Italy's public debt-to-GDP ratio dropped to 137.3%
in 2023 from 140.5% in 2022.
Italy's public debt is the second-highest in the eurozone after
Greece's at 161.9%.
The debt-to-GDP ratio for the eurozone decreased from 90.8% to
88.6% and it dropped from 83.4% to 81.7% for the whole EU.
Italy's 2023 deficit of 7.4% the highest in Europe
Debt-to-GDP ratio down to 137.3% last year says Eurostat