
Italy's employment rate hits new high of 62.3%

Unemployment down to 6.9%, lowest level in 15 years - Istat

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 30 - Italy's employment rate reached a record high of 62.3% in April, up 0.1 of a percentage point on March, according to provisional data released by Istat on Thursday.
    The national statistics agency said the number of people in work rose by 84,000 in April on March and by 516,000 on the same month in 2023.
    Unemployment, meanwhile, dropped to 6.9%, down 0.2 of a point on the previous month to take it to the lowest level since December 2008.
    Istat said the jobless rate for under-25s who are active on the labour market was steady at 20.2%.
    The agency added that the inactivity rate was also stable at 33.0%. (ANSA).

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