
Fewer Italians at beach amid higher prices this summer

But losses will be offset by rise in foreign beach-goers

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 28 - Fewer Italians will spend beach holidays in Italy this year amid rising prices, but the fall will be partly offset by a rise in foreigners, Jfc's Panorama Turismo - Mare Italia observatory said Friday.
    "It will be a summer at the seaside again this year, but with higher prices (+7.9% compared to 2023) and a drop in Italian presences, partly offset by an increase in foreigners," said the sector survey.
    Out of a total of 407 million presences in the seaside sector (-1.1% on summer 2023 and -1.2% on 2019), Italian presences will be 312 million 511 thousand with a drop of 4.4% and therefore a loss of 14 million 511 thousand on 2023.
    At the same time, foreign presences will reach 94 million 513 thousand with a +11.6% (i.e. 9 million 823 thousand) on 2023.

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