
Italy has second-lowest average working life in EU -Eurostat

Average duration for 15-year-old in 2023 32.9 years

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 27 - The expected average duration of the working life of a 15-year-old in Italy was 32.9 years in 2023, the second-lowest in the European Union, according to new Eurostat data.
    Only Romania had a lower expected working life, 32.2 years, and the duration for Italy was well below the EU average of 36.9 years.
    The highest level was recorded in the Netherlands at 43.7 years.
    Italy's low showing is linked to the short expected working life for women - just 28.3 years in 2023, compared to the EU average of 34.7.
    That is despite the average working life for women in Italy having risen by more than seven years since 2000. (ANSA).

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