
Accounts under control despite building bonus-Giorgetti

Should manage to return to primary surplus this year

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 27 - Italian public accounts are now under control despite the heavy inheritance of building bonuses such as the Green home improvement Superbonus which cost billions of euros for the State, Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti said Friday.
    "The government is working to present the budget law, which will not deviate from the cornerstones that have inspired the government's economic budget policy in these two years," he said remotely at the general assembly of Federmeccanica underway at the national railway museum of Pietrarsa, in Portici (Naples).
    "Public finances are under control again and after having inherited the disastrous situation due to the impact of building bonuses, choices based on responsibility and realism have brought results and already in 2024, ahead of our forecasts, we should be able to return to primary surplus, that is, the State will save more money than it spends net of the cost of public debt". (ANSA).

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