
IMF says Italy debt high, gradual, sustained adjustments

Start now, but preserve growth says Furceri

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 23 - The International Monetary Fund said Wednesday Italy's public debt was high and on the rose and therefore required gradual and sustained adjustments.
    "In our forecasts, Italy's debt level is high, and it is expected to continue to increase," said Davide Furceri, division head of the IMF's Fiscal Affairs Department.
    "So in our forecasts we do not expect the debt-to-GDP ratio to fall, but rather we expect it to increase.
    "Italy is one of the cases in which we say that fiscal adjustments are necessary that start now, that are gradual and sustained," said Furceri.
    "It is important that they are gradual and sustained because we want an adjustment that continues to preserve economic growth".

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