
Govt to review interventions for South in Jan - Meloni

Build a strategy for the south together says PM

Govt to review interventions for South in Jan - Meloni

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 23 - The Italian government is to review interventions for the poorer south of the country in January along with local and regional bodies, Premier Giorgia Meloni said at a 'control room' meeting of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) on Monday.
    She said at the meeting, according to persons present: "I ask each Administration to send the presidency by January 15th a detailed review of all interventions and investments that have an impact on the South, to verify their effectiveness and improve the initiatives.
    "In the same way and within the same timeframe, I also invite the presidents of the Regions to do the same, to strengthen that synergy between the Government and the Regions of the South that has now allowed us to obtain important results. And to build, together, a 360-degree Strategy for the South". (ANSA).

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