(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 24 - Average salaries for women in Italy
are 20% lower than men's, social security and pensions agency
INPS said in its latest gender gap report Monday.
In Italy, women have an employment rate of almost 18 points
lower than that of men and when they work, they have an average
daily salary of about 20% lower than their colleagues, said the
This depends on various factors including the greater use of
part-time work among women, lower levels of qualification and
less use of overtime, said INPS.
And despite being on average more educated, they have a harder
time making a career.
In fact, only 21% of top managers and 32.4% of middle managers
are women. (ANSA).
Average salaries for women 20% lower than men - INPS
Only 21% of top managers and 32.4% of middle managers are women