
Fincantieri returns to profit, 27 mn in 2024

Orders more than doubled last yr, earnings up 6.2%

Fincantieri returns to profit, 27 mn in 2024

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 24 - Fincantieri returned to profit last year, posting a result of 27 million euros compared to a loss of 53 million in 2023, the Italian shipbuilding giant said Monday.
    Some of the other results were: revenues up 6. 2% to 8.128 billion (7.6 in 2023); Ebitda at 509 million, with an annual increase of approximately 28% (397 in 2023); Ebitda margin at 6.3%, improving on 2023 (5.2%). And also negative net financial position at 1.281 billion (2.2 in 2023).
    The overall workload (total backlog) stands at 51.2 billion, approximately 6.3 times the revenues achieved during the year.
    New orders acquired in 2024 are at record levels, for 15.4 billion, more than double compared to 2023 (6.6), driven in particular by Shipbuilding.
    photo: Fincantieri Director General and Managing Director Pierroberto Folgiero (ANSA).

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