(ANSA) - Naples, May 27 - Police on Tuesday arrested 12
people in an anti-mafia sweep against the Campania region's
Camorra crime syndicate.
The suspects, who are said to belong to the De Micco clan
operating in the Ponticelli district of Naples, were arrested on
charges of mafia association for drug trafficking, attempted
murder and illegal possession of firearms.
In total, 14 people have been placed under investigation in
connection with the probe.
Two suspects are currently on the run.
Investigations showed how some alleged De Micco clan
members wore a tattoo reading 'Bodo' - the clan's nickname -
followed by the words "respect, fidelity and honour".
Police also uncovered an accounts book recording profits
from criminal activities and monthly payments to be made to
affiliates, as well as legal and weapons expenses.
The investigation also shed light on the ongoing turf war
between the De Micco clan and the rival D'Amico group, which led
to the murders of respective clan members in January and March
The Calabrian 'Ndrangheta and the Neapolitan Camorra have
posed the most powerful threats to the legal economy in recent
years, outstripping Sicily's Cosa Nosta.
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