(ANSA) - Genoa, August 1 - An appeals court on Friday
suspended 30 police officers following disciplinary hearings
into accusations of brutality during demonstrations at the G8
conference in Genoa in 2001.
Scores of no-global protesters were brutally beaten when
police seized a school where they were staying after the riots
surrounding the conference in the port city, during which a
police officer shot and killed a young Italian demonstrator.
Former SCO intelligence unit chief Francesco Gratteri and
the former deputy head of the UCIGOS anti-terrorism unit
Giovanni Luperi, who were convicted in 2012 of aggravated
perjury and banned from office for five years, and other
officers who have since retired, were excluded from the
provisions on the grounds that the disciplinary action was
limited to the regular police force, court sources said.
Thirty cops suspended for G8 brutality
Suspensions of up to 6 months for mistreatment of demonstrators