
Police rule out foul play over Regeni

General says student may have been involved in accident

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Cairo, February 4 - A senior Egyptian investigator has ruled out foul play in the death of Giulio Regeni, an Italian student who has been found dead after going missing in Cairo last month. "There is no suspicion of crime in the death of the young Italian Giulio Regeni," General Khaled Shalabi, the director of the Giza general investigations administration, was quoted as saying by the 'Youm7' website. "The body was found along the Cairo-Alessandria desert road".
    The site said Shalabi talked about the possibility of Regeni being involved in a road accident. It also quoted him as denyingh that the student had been "hit by shots from a fire arm or stabbed".

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