
Woman dead after stabbing by husband

Man then tried to kill autistic son, self

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Verona, March 7 - An invalid 64-year-old woman who was stabbed by her husband at the weekend died on Monday.
    Mirella Guth, 64, who was bed-ridden after a stroke, was hospitalized after pensioner Giancarlo Righetti, 64, tried to kill her and their 37-year-old autistic son Davide Righetti with a kitchen knife, then attempted suicide.
    Father and son are in critical condition.
    Righetti is under arrest on charges of first-degree murder and attempted murder.
    He had left a note explaining that he acted because he could no longer cope with his son. Also in Verona at the weekend, 82-year-old Virgilia Zamberlan was committed to a psych ward after she tried to kill her invalid husband by stabbing him in the throat.
    Oddone Gasparoni, 84, is hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries.

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