
Teen accuses pal over elderly man death (2)

Evidence gathered by listening devices

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Bari, May 4 - The younger of the two minors detained by Carabinieri over the case of Giuseppe Dibello, a 77-year-old who died at Monopoli, near Bari, on Tuesday after being pushed onto seaside rocks, blamed his older friend for the crime in a private conversation, sources said Thursday. Neither of the pair, aged 15 and 17, has confessed to prosecutors, but, in recordings of conversations made through listening devices at the Carabinieri barracks, they effectively admit to being on the scene and to pushing Dibello and another elderly man. It had initially been suspected that Dibello had been pushed onto the rocks during a robbery, but it was later established that the pair of teenagers did it as a prank.

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