(ANSA) - Innsbruck, July 12 - Interior Minister Matteo
Salvini said Thursday "Italy has a backlog of 500,000 illegal
immigrants and if we don't manage to expel more than 10,000 a
year we'll take 50 years to make up for the past".
He said there had been "no concrete results" from EU
initiatives in Africa.
Salvini said at an informal meeting of EU interior ministers
that "It's right to think of what will happen in a few months
but another two migrant boats are arriving in Italy with
hundreds of migrants.
"My problem is today, not a few months' time".
There has still been no interior ministry indication on the
Diciotti coast guard ship offloading its 67 migrants at Trapani,
ANSA sources said.
Meanwhile a sailboat with 60 migrants aboard is heading for
the Siracusa area, while 23 Tunisians have landed at the
stepping-stone island of Lampedusa.
Will take 50 yrs to expel migrants
'No concrete results from previous action in Africa'