
COVID: almost 6,000 cases in a day, 41 dead

Over 112,000 swabs taken, 27,000 more than Tue

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 13 - Italy's COVID curve started rising again Tuesday with 5,901 new cases in the last 24 hours, against 4,619 Monday.
    There were 112,544 swabs taken, about 27,000 more than Monday.
    The total of infected including recovered and victims has risen to 365,467.
    The daily death toll was also up slightly with 41 new dead in a day, compared to 39 Monday, for a total death toll since the pandemic began of 36,246.
    The number of intensive care patients rose 62 in 24 hours to 514. (ANSA).

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