
Top medic Crisanti says wouldn't take COVID vaccine today

University of Padua expert says data should be made public

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, 23 NOV - Top Italian physician Andrea Crisanti repeated on Monday that, as things are at the moment, he would not have a vaccine for COVID-19.
    "I reiterate that, on the basis of the knowledge that we have today, I wouldn't have the vaccine," Crisanti, the director of the University of Padua's microbiology laboratory, told Sky television.
    "If the data were made public and the scientific community validited it was good, I would have it.
    "I have no doubt about it.
    "It's a question of transparency. If you want to generate trust, you must be transparent.
    "The more scientists complain about the lack of information, and the more they demand it, the more people will show trust".
    Crisanti also said that he does not think COVID-19 vaccination should be obligatory. (ANSA).

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